【Log】Services in Kindergarten / 幼稚園でのサービス(入園手続きと銀行口座開設)

Kyoto Orientation is offering services in a private kindergarten, Sakyo-ward, Kyoto. A new child entered the kindergarten this spring and we explained the family how payment should be made to the kindergarten.

We also tell them how to open a bank account. Opening a bank account in Japan is a relatively easy process.

Things can be very straightforward if you come prepared with all of the required documents.
●Items required to open a bank account
1. Residence Card
2. Health insurance card
3. Student ID card (students only)
4. Your seal (although some banks will allow you open an account with a signature)
5. Money to deposit (you must open the account with at least 1 yen)

京都市左京区内の私立幼稚園でのサービス 新しく入園したご家族へ入園にかかわる書類の説明をお手伝いしました。また、保育料引き落としにかかわる銀行口座の開設とその手続きを一緒に行いました。


